Where is God  (Yahweh)  in a Cataclysmic Disaster?           Issue Date:  19th Jan 2010
The Bible tells us very clearly precisely what is occurring in a very righteous manner! But it is absolutely never taught by our worldly Christian  leaders/theologians  – because they do not understand The Bible – being the very thing they presume to be scholars! As I state again – Yahweh carefully tells us in The Bible righteously why He allows this to occur! So let me dispel some of the rubbish said on this matter:- 1. It is a mystery – we are not to given to know!   It is not a mystery – and we are given to know!  The Bible very clearly tells us! 2. It is Divine retribution to some group(s) of persons.   It is not Divine retribution – Yahweh is not a God from which  evil/hurtful/harmful  things are sourced. 3. Yahweh does not exist – because ‘He allows’ this to occur!   Yahweh does exist as The Omnificent Entity of The Universe – and allows this to occur. 4. Yahweh does not care – because He allows this to occur!   Yahweh does care and finds it exceedingly painful to bear – but it is a subset of a Much Greater Plan.
It must be clearly understood before we go much further:- 1. Humans are “stiff-necked” (as we are told in The Bible – Ex.33v3-5, Acts.7v51, etc)  inasmuch when given instruction – then they will refuse to take this advise and ‘do their own thing’ – because ‘they know better’. It is only when they trip-up at a painful experience will they freely chose to do the correct thing. 2. Yahweh is operating a parallel Plan of Salvation – which The Bible carefully describes (our scholars are totally unaware of this Plan, and of the exegesis given to thoroughly support Yahweh’s Most Righteous Plan).

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