I was born in early January in the year 1957
I grew up with my parents and my younger sister. I trained for many years in my father’s garage and general workshop in a village in Cambridgeshire England UK. During these early years I learnt many practical things. I was single handily able to competently repair and build cars, lorries, etc from wrecks! I also became fully conversant in all the basic tools of a machine shop. From the age of 15, I realised I didn’t like getting my hands dirty in old engine oil and skinning my knuckles when the spanner slid off a rusty nut, or getting covered in molten metal sparks when welding underneath a car!
It was at this point in time when electronics started to take off. This was a technical and practical subject, but more-over, it kept my hands clean (though I now suffer from occasionally burning my fingers with a hot soldering iron)! I now knew what subjects I had to study at Cambridge and worked hard to obtain reasonable academic results at school. Went on and passed Physics, Maths and Technical Drawing at ‘A’ level. Left school and started an apprenticeship with a local electronics gas leak detection company. I then went on to take an HND in Electrical and Electronic engineering, and then the following year took the CEI pt2 International Engineering Degree and passed this first time when I was 22 years old.
My parents emigrated to South Africa, and I now had to survive on my own! I received nothing and had to fend for myself! I lived in a bed-sit and the car I drove was a repaired wreck from a car breakers yard! After four years ‘courting’, I married and still with my wife (sticking with me through thick and thin – we all have our good AND bad moments) and I remember at the end our honeymoon, walking in a gaming shop to look for fallen money between gaming machines to try and find enough money to buy our next meal! So that is how I started.
I continued working with that company to become a successful Electronic Designer and project manager with my designs being sold world wide in industry and various Government establishments for another 11 years. At this point I became a full member of the IEE.
Through various contacts, I was ‘head-hunted’ to form a start-up company. This company, I co-own, now designs some of the world’s foremost detectors based upon patents under my name. These instruments are sold world wide and used in all the household company names, some examples out of many, Ford, Dunlop, Braun, NASA, Shell, BMW, etc.
I have four wonderful children (two boys and two girls) starting to leave their ‘teens’, even though I still feel like saying they will be the ‘death of me’! Their characters are all so different – people are not equal and they all had to be treated differently because they were and are all so very different – however our goal was the same (even though it may not have seemed like it at the time).
In my ‘old’ age I have taken up part-time cycling, and successfully completed the Audax Paris / Brest / Paris 2003 cycle ride in under the required 80 hours to qualify as a Vedette – hard work but great fun and met many wonderful people on the 1200km cycle ride!
That is where I am at present.
So where did my interest in Religion (and the ‘meaning of life’) come from?
My parents introduced me to it, though they had split views on it. When they left the country, I was young and in my very early 20’s, I thought it only prudent to check it all out! There was scientific evolution (seemed promising from my science background and to this day I am still an avid reader of scientific material) and all the other religions that I felt should get a fair airing (else quite rightly I would be charged as being indoctrinated). I am an intensely logical individual (so much so, that I have been termed a ‘robot’ by some people and by others in the past as ‘Spock’ being the character of ‘Star-Trek’) and thus could not rationalise myself to be considered by others as indoctrinated! So I spent quite a few years working upon the detail trying to sort out the wheat from the chaff within the various religions of the world.
There was a problem – No wheat, and it was all chaff!
I was not going to become fat and mentally satisfied on chaff, so I started to meditate on everything presented and it slowly dawned on me, that there was wheat in this great mass of chaff – if you only looked for it! But you did have to look for it by applying logic and reason to break the subject matter open. Then I understood why you had to look for it!
A plan did start to unfold and it was so wonderfully logical! It was also supported by every aspect of what I had gained during these several years of personal research in so many areas, scientific and the eight or so, major world religions.
In my early 30’s I started writing it down with the idea of publishing a book to explain it all to be called “Your Life and Future – Who Cares – Do You?” But I had to pause for about nine years because I had to work so hard in getting my new company up and running successfully (no meaningful holidays were ever taken)!
Now the internet has ‘come of age’ I now am able to present it for free dissemination and free PDF downloads to anyone in the world!
So please take up my offer for this free information and spend some time (being your most important commodity) to read it. Please do not put it off for another day, I can assure you that this information presented will give you some protection from the events building up within this present world. The sooner you grasp this protection – then the sooner you become fortified both physically, but more importantly mentally ready for what is to befall us in the relatively near future – when problems become humanly insurmountable (lack of viable resources, fallout from climate change, etc). It is now recognised by the medical fraternity and many other groups – that those people with a strong spiritual base come through trauma, whereas those of a weak spiritual base succumb. So I earnestly ask you to take up this offer – it will support you in your future – that is my promise!
I thank you for reading this and welcome you to go further within this website: www.FutureLife.Org
And perhaps – We will meet in the future?